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Find your nearest bulk billing doctor

We've put together a useful map showing most bulk billing doctors in and around Melbourne Victoria. The map uses google maps and so has all the features that that comes with (zoom, search). If you happen to know of a bulk billing doctor not included in this map, please get in touch and we'll update it!

Click through to live map

Choosing the right tools for the right job

Choosing the right tool for data visualisation is important, particularly when it comes to maps. Some tools just do it better. In the case of a map with specific latitude and longitude locations, we've put aside regular tool of choice, Tableau and instead opted for Google Maps which provide a lightweight and clean map.

Other factors to consider when choosing the right data visualisation tool might relate to the cost of the tool, the options in charts, where the visualisation will be published and more.

How we can help your organisation

Net Knowledge is a data visualisation and analytics agency in Melbourne specialised in interactive dashboards and maps. We are specialists in Tableau software.

Net Knowledge helps organisations by designing and maintaining data dashboards for management and staff to understand their market or business. Our clients are industry and membership associations as well as mid size companies where we help with everything from simple survey data analysis to development of complex data platforms with hundreds of users.

Get in touch to find out how we can help

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