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Analysis and reporting tool domain registry operators

Net Knowledge

Updated: Dec 16, 2021

REGEXPLORE is a reporting tool developed for domain registries / TLD operators. The tool provides a series of dashboards and reports on the status and trends in registrations both at registrar and registry level.

Who is it for?

The has been developed for top level domain operators that have a channel of domain registrars (however could be used for any organisation that manages a subscription based product and works with resellers).

How does it work?

Users upload aggregated registration data (either manually or can be scripted) to the platform. This is generally done on a monthly basis. Data is used to populate a series interactive dashboards, trend charts, performance ratios, bench-marking, alerts and other analysis which help the user to better understand the status and trend of its business and individual sales partners.

The tool is embedded within a secure platform ( which contains itneractive dashboards and tables. A static report on the key activity is also sent by email to the users.

What's included?

The platform is broken down into interactive dashboards pages around the following areas

  • Registration activity: Performance ratios and related metrics, trend charts, analysis of inter-channel transfers, alerts (irregular activity) and more

  • Registrar profiles: Performance ratios, growth drivers, trend charts and transfers (eg largest wins/losses)

  • Market shares: Calculated on country (if relevant) or individual organisation.

  • Benchmarking tools: Trend analysis, scatter plots, ranking etc.

  • Optional extras / add-ons

    • Geographic maps: Postcode level data on customers and growth areas

    • Retail prices: Data collected from public reseller websites on retail prices

Find out more

To find out about Regexplore or or sign up: contact us

Screen shots (sample data) from the data platform

Example of monthly email report

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